Saturday, 15 October 2016

Literacy Partnerships

I wonder how we fare in the light of this diagram? Do we read with our children at home? Are they Pukeariki members - does the family visit and borrow books regularly? Are they reading to self, sharing and borrowing books at school? Are our students readers? Are we readers?

The following is from our National Library website:

Parents as reading role models - especially dads

Good reading role models at home might:
·         read in front of their children
·         chat about books and what they are reading in a positive and encouraging way
·         read aloud to their children
·         explain how the simple act of reading for pleasure is so important and enjoyable! ( leads to improved literacy skills, vocabulary and knowledge of the world)
·         surround their home with books in a range of formats and genre, magazines, newspapers and catalogues
·         show that reading is a part of everyone’s lives by reading diverse materials such as cookbooks, cereal boxes, instructions for kitsets / games / puzzles; websites, television adverts, telephone directories, and environmental print such as road signs, billboards and logos
·         borrow from libraries and buy from bookstores together – practicing the art of browsing and noticing interesting topics.

Our thanks to Jeannie Skinner at National Library Services to Schools for sharing her expertise.
A sunny day, a new book .................

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